BDLEAD - Bond-It - Lead Sealant

Sale price£4.53



A fast skinning roofing sealant that reduces weather ingression; tile lift and noise. Tough; resilient and compatible with lead. Conforms to ISO11600-F-25LM and BS5889-A.

Application: Can be used to bond glass and glazing plastics as well as small sections of roofing materials under repair. Ideally suited for sealing roof lights; conservatories; soffits; glass houses; industrial roofing systems; lead flashings; and to prevent tile lifting and wind noise. Also has excellent UV; heat and ozone resistance and sets to tough resilient rubber.
e for Lead

Product Description

Flash-Mate Lead Sealant is a low modulus neutral cure fast-skinning; roof sealant. It is designed to stop weather ingression; tile lift and noise.

Product Uses

Flash-Mate Lead Sealant is used to seal or bond dissimilar materials to prevent weather ingression.

Flash-Mate Lead Sealant can be used to bond glass and glazing plastics as well as small sections of roofing materials under repair. Ideally suited for sealing rooflights; conservatories; soffits; glass houses; industrial roofing systems; lead flashing and to prevent tile lifting and wind noise.

Flash-Mate Lead Sealant is compatible with lead; galvanised steel and all metals. It has excellent UV; heat and ozone resistance and sets to tough resilient rubber.

Areas of Use

    • Glass
    • Slate
    • All metals including lead and galvanised steel
    • Concrete and brick
    • GRP
    • Sealed timberplastics (including polycarbonate)
    • Acrylics
    • PVCu
    • All painted surfaces

Units: each


105 / 0 / 11

GBP000277 / 3020000 - 03

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